Siegmar Fricke

Siegmar Fricke


Wilhelmsh., Germany

no Homepage / Contact



Siegmar Fricke (38) is an electronic musician from Wilhelmshaven and produces experimental electronica since the beginning of the 80s. The first recordings in the domain of 'musique conr�te' have been made between '81 and '85 with tape recorders.


It was the year of '95 when Fricke founded the project 'Efficient Refineries' together with spanish musician Miguel A. Ruiz. Further collaborations were made with Giancarlo Toniutti and Maurizio Bianchi.


Newer works are a 'pharmatrance' album called 'Chlorampehnol' which has recently been published on Norwegian label 'Tibprod'. Siegmar also contributed in many netlabel releases on netlabels like 'Monocromatica', 'SubSource' and 'Entity'.



Releases & Participations


Siegmar Fricke - Metaprogramming [gruen019]



on other Netlabels


Siegmar Fricke - Medical Soundscapes [sub059]

Siegmar Fricke - Neuromecanismo [ntt042]

Siegmar Fricke - Pharmaceutik 06 [tube056]