
Axel Bergk


Hamburg, Germany

Homepage / Contact



After engaging in fine arts I'm making music since three years. But the starting-point didn't change: creating something is a process of getting able to let things flow by minimizing the individual intention what and how things should become.


Crossing the border between sounds which we can recognize as music and those which are beyond, I want to explore the limits of our habits.


Nevertheless, music should always be your entertainment.



Releases & Participations


Lomov - Free Port [gruen001]

V/A - Janus [gruen007]

V/A - Crumbed (Remixes) [stadt008]

Lomov - Lapilibrium [gruen008]

V/A - Ennui [gruen012]

Lomov - Aquarius [gruen020]

Lomov - Labwork [gruen021]



on other Netlabels


Lomov - Ecru [one010]

Lomov - Holzwege [apl028]

Lomov - Jazzant [raam002]

Lomov - Mounting Stags [thn071]